Wednesday, December 28, 2011
Organizing and Art
Sunday, December 25, 2011
Merry Christmas
Thursday, December 22, 2011
Maybe Next Time
Tuesday, December 20, 2011
Day 2: Mid-morning
Monday, December 19, 2011
Day 1: Evening
Timeline of our day:
About 9:00am she had her first pee accident. Luckily she was standing in the bathroom when it happened, so the cleanup wasn't so bad.
Before nap I put her on the potty for 5-10 minutes while I read her "How the Grinch Stole Christmas!". No poop or pee, so off to bed she went. I checked in on her 5 minutes later, because I heard her playing, and she had pooped in her panties. Go figure! I cleaned her up, set her on the potty again and then off to bed once more.
She woke (if she really slept) from her nap nearly an hour later with a small pee accident. Again, I cleaned her up, set her on the potty, then off to play.
No more accidents after nap, but no using the potty either. She was dry until dinner and bath, and then we put her in a diaper for bed.
We have made a point to set her on the potty every half hour or so. Now I think we may need to keep her on the potty longer than5-10 minutes. I think tomorrow we will try watching a Dora episode while she sits on the potty. I think that once she actually goes in the potty, and sees how excited we will be, then maybe she will understand the concept better. At this point I think she thinks it's just a chair to sit on, bare butt of course.
Hopefully tomorrow goes a bit smoother, but all in all it wasn't too bad. Definitely could have been worse.

Day 1: Morning
Wednesday, December 7, 2011
Christmas Card Photo Shoot
Tuesday, November 29, 2011
Happy Belated Thanksgiving

Saturday, November 19, 2011
Growing too fast!
Two days ago, Delilah climbed out of her crib for the first time. Actually, she kind of fell out of it. At least, that is what I assume, considering the big thump I heard coming from her room. I thought she had just thrown her baby dolls out, but then I heard her banging on the door. I cannot say I was excited about this new development. All I could picture was nap time flying out the window, and bedtime becoming a struggle.
Instead if immediately taking the front bars off her crib, I decided to wait and see if she would do it again. I was hoping the fall would deter her from doing it again. That night and the next day and night she didn't climb out. I was sighing with relief. Until today, that is.
Little girl has climbed out of her crib not once, not twice, but three times during nap. Oh no! Looks like she will be graduating to a toddler bed now. Hopefully night time won't be such too difficult.
On a completely different note, the other day, my friend, Lindy, and I took our two little princesses out for some photos. We both needed to get some good shots out Christmas cards, and it is always fun to get Addie and Delilah together. Let me just say, the photos turned out ADORABLE! The girls were much more cooperative then we even imagined. Apparently the secret weapon is lipgloss. Who knew? I am dying to show you all the pics, but I don't want to spoil the surprise. Once the cards are mailed, I will post all the cuteness. Until then, here is a tease.
Saturday, November 12, 2011
Planning for the Future
This past Tuesday I was fortunate enough to attend a Parent Seminar put on by The Bell Center. This particular seminar focused on financial planning for your child with special needs. I am so glad I went. I had no idea how complex planning for the future really is. I really wish more parents would have attended.
One of the biggest pieces of information I learned (in my opinion) is how it is a bad idea to leave anything in the child, with special needs, name. Actually it isn't just a bad idea. It is a terrible, no good, very bad, don't you dare do it idea. Why? Well, if the said child (hopefully adult by then) has $1 more than $2000 in assets, they are disqualified from government assistance. As in no Medicare or Social Security, no government assistance with group housing, transportation, etc. Nothing. Nada. Trust me, we don't want that.
You may be wondering (or not) what qualifies as an asset. Pretty much anything with a cash value; examples include car, house, savings bond, cash, etc. It's just a good idea to assume that nothing, absolutely nothing should be left in the child's name. Instead, it should be left for the child, in a Special Needs Trust.
Which leads me to my next bit of new information, the Special Needs Trust. I had never heard of this before. Not surprising, considering I've never really considered the future. Instead of leaving insurance, money, etc in the child's name, we will set up a Special Needs Trust to be managed on her behalf. The trust will then be able to provide extra care and support beyond that which will provided by the local, state and governmental programs.
The above just touches on a couple of things I learned in the Seminar. Once John returns from Maine, and we get back into the swing of things, we will be sitting down with some professionals (Attorney and Financial Planner, specializing in Special Needs) and mapping out a plan. I'm so glad I learned of all this now, so that we can begin to get the ball rolling. As we all know, none of us are guaranteed tomorrow. I want to make sure Delilah had the best possible life, even when we aren't around.
Wednesday, November 2, 2011
Here is a pic of D, as no post is complete without one. I took this pic to try out my new Camera Connection Kit for the iPad and an editing app called Photoforge2. It allows me to do some simple edits and work in layers, which is how I was able to add a watermark.
The combination of these apps should help me update my blogs more frequently. Having it all available on my very portable iPad means I can now work on posts while D is in school.
Please check out my new blog if you have a minute. Creations By Kera.
Tuesday, November 1, 2011
Audrey Hepburn
Without further adieu, I present Audrey Hepburn. ***WARNING: The cuteness is at a dangerous level.***

Wednesday, October 26, 2011
Sea World and then some!
I would love to say this trip was easy breezy, but that just isn't how our lives work. The night I was packing, the cat spilt a soda on my laptop. It immediately shut down and acted very dead. I was devastated. Mainly because a replacement for my MacBook is not in the budget. Luckily, I am very OCD on backing up to my external hard drive, so most things were saved. I unplugged the MacBook, removed the battery, and left it upside down during the trip. When I came home it turned on and seems to be working fine. Crossing my fingers that it continues, but will be putting some money aside for a replacement, just in case.
The kicks don't stop there. After arriving at the Martins house, in Georgia, the Tahoe decided not to start. We jumped it and charged the battery. It seemed to work, but on Friday morning when we were getting ready to head to Orlando, it had the same problem. Jumped it again and then decided to get the battery tested when we got to Orlando. (Upon reflection, I realize that we probably should have done that Thursday night, before we left. Oh well!) Guess what? I needed to replace the battery. Fine. Anything to get my Tahoe running normal.
So we enjoyed the rest of Friday and our day at Sea World on Saturday (more on that later). Sunday we drove back to Georgia and arrived around lunchtime. We decided to go out to dinner that night. Once we are all loaded into the Tahoe, guess what happens? Nothing!!! Darn thing wouldn't start. We were stumped. The battery was working, as was evident by all the lights working. Monica managed to call a friend who knew a mechanic. He was able to come out to the house Monday morning. (Thank goodness. A tow was not really in the budget!) After about a half hour looking at everything, he figured it out. Blown fuse. All the stress and worry that darn fuse caused me! ***I know I'm rambling on, but it's important to share all the adventures of a trip, even if they aren't so much fun.***
Anyhow, I should probably move onto talking about the fun stuff, like Sea World. Delilah and I had a blast. The Martin's too! Little girl loved everything, even the carousel! I was amazed that her attention was held so long durning the shows. When they would end she would turn to us and sign/say "more". She also loved the aquariums. I think we may have to get one for the house one of these days. Here are some pics. Hope you enjoy!
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Delilah trying to give Alex a kiss. He wouldn't have it. She also tried holding his hand, all day, but, sadly, he wasn't interested. |
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Sitting with Justin during the Shamu show. Loved it! |
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During the Shamu show. |
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Riding a spinning ride with Monica. (I don't do rides, especially ones that spin!) |
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Riding the carousel. She was very mad when it ended. |
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Me and Michelle. Proof that I was actually on this trip! |
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Loving the aquarium. |
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Worn completely out! (And yes, a wardrobe change. It was chilly in the morning, but warmed up quite a bit.) |
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Don't want to forget a pic of the Whales! |
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Kissing Whales! |
Some other news before I go. I finally decided to start (officially) a home business. At this time I am offering custom Camera Strap Covers, E-Reader Covers and Digital Scrapbook Services. I will also discuss other custom sewing projects. My new website is Please go and take a look. Here is a sample of my work.

Tuesday, October 4, 2011
Magic City Mile
Anyhow, this past Sunday we attended the Magic City Mile Run/Walk for The Bell Center. As you may already know, Delilah currently attends The Bell Center (a wonderful Early Intervention Program). I can't stress enough how important The Bell Center has been to Delilah's development. Anyhow, the Magic City Mile was a fun way to spend a gorgeous Sunday afternoon. Delilah colored, had her face painted, and played with bubbles. Lucky for her, Mom did all the walking! (I didn't realize how out of shape I was until I had to walk up the hill to the starting line!)
One thing the therapists are working on, with her, is her balance. It seems to be a touch off recently. Mostly due to her always running and not walking. We are trying to teach her to slow down and walk. It seems anytime she stands up, she sprints off, leading to many stumbles and falls. (I was afraid someone would think I beat the poor child with the amount of bruises she gets from her falls.) She also tends to go limp anytime someone tries to hold her hand or steer her in a different direction/activity. Not fun, especially when she drags me down with her. Hopefully we can get this corrected soon.
She is also talking up a storm. We are working on recognizable two word phrases. We believe she is already saying some, we just can't understand them. However, her favorite thing to say right now is "Uh-oh". She will purposely drop or throw something just to say it. It's cuteness wares off after bending down to pick something up for the third time.
She is a big lover of music. She loves to carry around my iPod listening to her tunes. She can throw quite the fit when the battery runs down.
I guess that will do for now. Nap time is over and we will soon be off to the airport to pick up her surprise visitor (Gran Deanie). Hope everyone enjoys the beautiful weather!
P.S. I am taking orders for Poinsettias to help The Bell Center raise money. They are 8 inches and available in red, pink, or white for $17 per plant. All orders and payment are due on October 28th and I will deliver on December 5th. Please let me know if you are interested.

Thursday, September 8, 2011
OSS Walk
The Scotiabank One SMALL StepWalk went very well. I was very happy with the outcome, especially for my first time hosting. We raised over $6300. Not to shabby. Worldwide, OSS Walks have raised over $630,000, and we still have a few more walks to go.
I want to thank everyone who helped out with the walk. I would list all your names, but I'm afraid I might miss someone. Also, a huge thank you to all the donors and attendees. I believe between 40 and 50 people attended. (I really should have taken count.)
We kept our walk simple and easy. The first hour, as everyone was arriving, we were able to socialize. Once everyone arrived we took a simple stroll through the park. It was a sweltering 98 degrees, but thanks to some shady areas, we didn't melt. After the walk the kids played a few carnival games and we raffled off the prizes.
See, simple and easy. If I had to do it again, I don't think I would change a thing. Wait! There is something I would change. I would make sure our event wasn't at the same time as a High School Track Invitational. Between 800-1400 people were at the park for that event. Wouldn't be a big deal if everyone of those people didn't try to walk through our set up to get to the bathrooms, even after we roped our area off. Oh well, we did manage to get a few extra donations and sell a few bottles of water.
Anyhow, here are a few pics from the walk.
In the next few days I will post pics from our vacation.