The Scotiabank One SMALL StepWalk went very well. I was very happy with the outcome, especially for my first time hosting. We raised over $6300. Not to shabby. Worldwide, OSS Walks have raised over $630,000, and we still have a few more walks to go.
I want to thank everyone who helped out with the walk. I would list all your names, but I'm afraid I might miss someone. Also, a huge thank you to all the donors and attendees. I believe between 40 and 50 people attended. (I really should have taken count.)
We kept our walk simple and easy. The first hour, as everyone was arriving, we were able to socialize. Once everyone arrived we took a simple stroll through the park. It was a sweltering 98 degrees, but thanks to some shady areas, we didn't melt. After the walk the kids played a few carnival games and we raffled off the prizes.
See, simple and easy. If I had to do it again, I don't think I would change a thing. Wait! There is something I would change. I would make sure our event wasn't at the same time as a High School Track Invitational. Between 800-1400 people were at the park for that event. Wouldn't be a big deal if everyone of those people didn't try to walk through our set up to get to the bathrooms, even after we roped our area off. Oh well, we did manage to get a few extra donations and sell a few bottles of water.
Anyhow, here are a few pics from the walk.
(Just a small sample of the over packed parking lot.)
Trying to get everyone together for a group pic.
Group Shot
In the next few days I will post pics from our vacation.